Wednesday, December 2, 2009

25 Days of Christmas.

So I thought I'd do something fun with Jack and Grayson this year or maybe it will turn out to just be fun for me but we'll see how it goes. We are doing an activity advent. There are so many ideas out there to do this but this is what I came up with. Something easy for me to put together. I came up with 25 activities for me and the boys to do each day for 25 days! I put each activity in an envelope and then in this vase I had. Each day, Jack takes out the envelope for that day and there is an activity listed inside. Things like bake cookies, visit Santa, write a letter to Santa, buy a toy to give away, etc. Hopefully, I will capture lots of those activities on film and post them here. So is what we did for December 1 and 2, 2009.

December 1 - Put up the Christmas Tree and Decorate.

Today, December 2 - was nothing too Christmasy - it was to go to the church mom and tots group christmas party. Jack was very excited to find out he got to go to the church and play!

Jack is getting very excited for Christmas - it makes me so happy - the other day we were walking through Michaels and i could here him singing "Santa Claus is coming to town" The Polar Express movie has really got him excited for Christmas. All he wanted to do while setting up the Christmas tree besides sit in the tree box (he loved that - it was his train) was play with the bells and he wanted me to be Santa and I would give him the FIRST GIFT OF CHRISTMAS. So cute! Grayson - well all he wanted to do was tear the tree down. Our tree is very light and pretty small. He could easily with one hand pull that tree down so after the kids went to bed we had to baricade the tree. Ottoman, exercauser and toy bin are now surrounding the tree - it seems to work!

Off to wake the kids from naps - or else they'll never go to bed tonight!


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