Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hanging Out!

Okay - I have been meaning to post some updated pics of grayson and jack - I have 6 minutes and counting before LOST starts and I have been on the computer for the last 2 hours so I want to get off and go relax and watch LOST - so this is a quick post - enjoy the pics! (I love the one where jack is chilling in my boots!)

(mommy and grayson - what a cool dresser eh!!)

(the boys chilling - see how jack pays no attention to grayson -it cracks me up - i kept putting grayson beside him and jack just kept watching the cartoons!)

(jack in my boots - waking around - he thought it was so funny! so did we!)

(jack holding grayson's hand - he loves his brother)

okay its on - gotta run!