Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our First Major Tumble and Our First House!!

We officially own a HOUSE!!!! ....we got the keys to our new house yesterday!!! So exciting. We actually own! I have posted some pics here of the new house. Hopefully everyone will be able to come down and visit and see the new house. Today we moved our new couch into the house and a few other pieces we weekend is our big move. I can't believe I have been in this house for 12 years and finally moving - I didn't think I'd ever get out of here...although it will be sad to leave (so many memories.....and roommates!)

Check out these pics of Jack - we had decided to go for a walk on Thursday night and Dave and jack were running up and down this wheelchair ramp - well as could be expected - jack tumbled down the ramp - I wasn't too close too see it - I thought his hands would be all scraped but Dave lifted him up and says to me "your not going to like this". There was blood everywhere - I thought his teeth were knocked out. But he just scraped his lip and nose. Here are two pics - the night it happened and then the next day all scabbed up. jack is pretty brave - he didn't cry at all - but these past couple days he is trying to pick at it and is complaining.... His first fat lip and scrape......


Talia said...

Oh, poor Jack! Hope he's okay!!
And the house looks GORGEOUS!!

me said...

robin! so excited about your house, it looks amazing! we'll have to come check it out in December. good luck with the move. we know how fun that is! can't get over how much grayson looks like jack. such a cutie pie. hope everyone's adjusting and doing well. we love you guys. xo, jody ryan osh and aviana