Monday, May 25, 2009

Grayson On the Move!

Okay, well he's not moving far - but here he is rolling over. He is constantly rolling over now. If you put him on his back - seconds later he is on his tummy! Funny though he doesn't like to roll back over so he will just sit there on his tummy until he is tired and then will cry for help. Such a cute kid. More pics of him below.

He did an amazing thing on Friday night - slept through the night (7:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.), I woke up at about 6:15 a.m. and asked dave if he had gone to feed grayson that night and he said no and we just sat there - like should we go check on him?? But minutes later, we heard him cooing in his crib. I love waking up to hearing grayson coo and talk to himself - it just means he had a great sleep and is a happy boy. Compared to waking up screaming and won't go back to sleep, which has been the story for the past 3 months. I had to do a little sleep training with him - crying it out - he was waking up at least 5 times at night and would only be settled by a bottle - he was eating as much at night as during the day - and he is a big boy so there is no need for that. Anyway, he is awesome now - I mean he still cries, but at least I am not spending a hour trying to get him to sleep and then having him sleep for 20 minutes and that would happen 3 times a day - I started to dread nap times. He's doing really welll and only waking up once usually between 3 and 5. I am a happy momma when I get my sleep. But really its just way less crying and fussing around this house because he is actually getting sleep.
Dave is off to Seattle this weekend to learn about a new business idea he wants to get into....more about it later - if it actually goes through.
Anyway, it is nap time around here so I better get some actual work done here.

(jack helping dave make our row garden)

(our beautiful dirt pile beside our house!)

(jack's new shoes thanks to Target and new church outfit, thanks to grandma)

1 comment:

me said...

three cheers for getting sleep at night! hope that keeps up! grayson is getting so big. such a cutie. fun to have a garden at your place too. love you guys!