Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

This year jack was an Elephant! Jack wasn't so sure about his elephant costume. He was kinda scared of the big nose on this costume. For weeks and days we talked about him putting on his costume and he always said "no". But we practiced knocking on everything in the house and then saying "Trick or Treat". Finally on Halloween night, I brought his costume down and he did not want to put it on - he just wanted to play with his toys. I suggested we go outside and play and he agreed but I said we need to put something warm on since it was so cold - and he agreed - and out of our astonishment he put on the costume no worries! And he loved it!

We did not go out long - he initially loved going door to door and getting candy but it was getting dark and many of the kids in costumes were scaring him - plus some houses were decorated really scary which he didn't like - so we didn't go for long - but he did have a fun time and his parents were appreciative of him getting dressed so we could have all his candy!!

enjoy the pics!


Talia said...

oh, so cute!
gabby was freaking out when it was time to go trick or treating and then she was all for it once she realised she was getting candy. these silly kiddos!!

me said...

cutie costume! it took some coaxing (read: forcing) to get Osh into his costume at first too! looks like you guys had fun. I was excited to eat Osh's candy too, but then I felt really I was stealing from him or something. I got over it though!
xo, Jody