Monday, April 28, 2008

It is finally Spring! YAAA!

Jack and I had a great morning. We went to his tumbling class and he didn't scream or cry (that is a first). Except we walked into the class and he saw the teacher and screamed and ran out the room. He really doesn't like his teacher much! I am not sure what it is. I think she is just a little overbearing. But once he saw that there was some balls to play with he was right into it. However, at the beginning and end of each class we sing some songs and he does not want anything to do with it. If I make him come he just screams and kicks his feet and lies in the middle of the circle. So I usually let him do his own thing - and then there is me singing in the circle with no child and all the other moms' kids are singing. Jack definetly doesn't like to be doing what everyone else is. He is just usually facinated with the balls. Today he played mostly in this tunnel you can crawl in. He took a few balls in the tunnel and then would throw them out and in.

What's new with the Kearls?:

- right now jack is loving cars: he takes all the cars he can find - he loves to roll them along the floor or on the stairs. He'll sit on the stairs for a good long time playing and making car sounds, Vroooom. So cute.

- He is getting his back molars in but it doesn't seem to bother him too much - he just always has his hands in his mouth.

- jack loves the book "The Wheels on the Bus" he always turns to the last page and sits there and just laughs. its hilarious.

- We had a home portrait party at my house the other weekend (a photographer comes to the house, you invite friends and their family to come have their photos taken - each family gets 30 minutes with the photographer - there is no cost - you just have to pay for any photos you want to buy - they upload them onto a website and you can go online and order pics. We set up our living room as the photo studio and then the guests just waited downstairs for their turn. Our pics didn't turn out too well - jack would not sit still at all - he was up running around - we got a few cute shots but not too many. But the event was lots of fun - just to visit with friends.

- This last week we worked on an ad that will be in the Edmonton/Calgary Wedding Bells magazine. I love this magazine and hopefully it will get the company name out there. I also just wrote (actually Dave wrote it) a small article for a event planner newsletter. That comes out May 1. I think the magazine comes out in June.

- I just bought this book. All I need to do now is actually pull out my sewing machine and buy some fabric.

- I just downloaded from itunes onto my ipod this new cd - love it!

-We are off to Hawaii in a week - CAN'T WAIT - although after church on Sunday - Dave said to me in the car - "how are we going to sit with jack on the plane for 5 hours when he can't sit for one hour" - I just laughed and said - "this just occurs to you now!" I thought about this the minute we bought our ticket. At least our flight is at 6 p.m. - so we'll bring cartoons, books, new toys maybe and then hopefully he'll sleep for a bit of it (hopefully!). I just can't wait to sit on the beach, snorkel, try surfing and body surfing, we're going hiking, have shaved ice and oh ya - hit the massive mall with 260 stores!!! That will be a day when I leave Dave and jack at the beach and I hit the mall! We are also going for a Luau dinner at the Polynesian Cultural Centre - can't wait.

here are some of the latest pics of jack:
(jack and his big boy pjs)

(jack in mom's shoes)

(jack loves to play with the cookware)

(jack laughing at his "wheels on the bus" bok)

(cutie pie)

that's it for now,

1 comment:

Talia said...

Oh, so fun to hear what you guys are up to, Robin! I am soooo jealous that you're heading to Hawaii in a week...aaahhh!! Take lots of pics and have an awesome time!
Jack is so stinkin' cute. Such a little boy. (I'm trying to convince Gray that he needs one of those...heehee)We miss you guys! Let's plan a time to meet in Red Deer after your trip...biking season is starting so it will be easy for us to head south!!
Love ya!

(and ps....don't you love that fabric scrapbooking book???)