Monday, May 28, 2007

Day Tripping!

Hi everyone - summer seems like its finally here - except for the freak snow storm we had last week. Jack will be 6 months old in a week. Were did the time go. He is getting so big and smiles all the time. Everyone comments on what a smily baby he is. We've done a few day trips the past couple weekends. We went to Troll Falls in Kananaskis one night. It was suppose to be a short hike (which turned into a 2 hour hike since we took the wrong trail and kinda got lost!!!) This was our first hike with Jack - we wanted to test out our MEC backpack. He seems to like it. He is perfectly happy just sitting in it and hanging out.
We went to Drumheller during the May Long Weekend. Did the whole museum thing and a drive out to the badlands looking for fossils. I think the adults had more fun than the babies.
And then Saturday we did a hike near Canmore - Grotto Canyon, I think it was called. Just another short one with Jack. Seems Jack likes the outdoors and has seen 2 waterfalls before he is 6 months old.
He is sitting up by himself but tumbles over and bonks his head on the carpet which he doesn't like. So we will just have to sit with him until he is a bit stronger. And he loves his Bumbo chair that I got for Mother's day from grandma and auntie lisa.
Oh ya, we also went to the Calgary Zoo and saw hippos, giraffes, gorillas, etc. he was much more interested in his toys than the animals but I had fun.
We are going to RD this weekend - hopefully some of his cousins from Edmonton will come up and play with him.....



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